50: Violet






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Horse Bio
Violet was born in Provo Utah on the Southfork Ranch. Her father is a registered Fox Trotter named Southforks Mountain Dew who was a big strong black curly horse just like Violet. Violet’s mother is a registered Quarter Horse named Hancocks Blue Jacki. She is a very big stout blue roan mare who has been a key success in our breeding program. Our goal in breeding such horses was to get the size and strength of a Quarter Horse but the desire to walk and stamina from the Fox Trotters. She is no exception as she has a bigger hip and a wider front end but also has a good desire to walk out and lead down the trail. Violet has been a pleasure from the start. She has a very kind eye and is always looking to please. She has been ridden consistently for the last year and has been one I have used to move cattle, check fences, tie coats on, ride by herself with dogs, as well as help turn back cows in the arena in and out of gates. She has had a rope thrown off of her, crossed streams and ditches, carried a shovel to change water as well as fencing tools to fix fences. She has lead pack mules in and out of our cowboy cabin. She stands tied and loads quite in and out of the trailer. She has been by herself as well as with big herds and small herds. She has been with other mares and also with other geldings. Violet is a horse that will be very dependable, safe and reliable to grow with. I am pleased to present this horse to you.
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