Chula is a 14.2 hand, 1,000-pound crossbred mare. She is 6 years old and has been with our family since she was a yearling. Chula is super cute and a goer on the trail. My kids nicknamed her “The Goat” because despite her small size, she can climb anything. Chula has spent the last five years on our family cattle ranch where she has been used for all aspects of ranch work including packing, gathering, sorting and roping. She is the first to meet you in the pasture which means she gets used a lot. She is handy in the corral and stout on the rope. She is quiet and pleasant on the ground and good for the farrier. This horse is a little tank and a very easy keeper having never taken a lame step in her life. Chula is an eye catcher especially in the summer when her roan and grulla colors pop. This horse can come out of a “long off” and be the same horse she was when you put her away. If you are looking for a no fuss, easy going, do a little of everything type horse, she may be who you are looking for.